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-Prayer & Fasting Resources-​

Why Fast? Without prayer, it’s just a diet. While you are withholding entertainment, social media or food, be intentional about filling yourself up with the Lord through prayer, worship and reading your Bible.

Daniel Fast Food List On the Daniel Fast, you eat plant-based meals that are nutritious while setting aside other foods as an act of worship and sacrifice to the Lord.

How to Prepare for the Daniel Fast Fasting, in any form, is difficult because you’re doing battle physically and spiritually. However, there are steps you can take to strengthen you for the fight. Following are ways you can prepare your heart, mind, and body for your 21-day Daniel Fast journey.

Should Children Fast? Kids can still experience the spiritual benefits of fasting by choosing something else to give up that is a sacrifice or distraction for them. Talk to your kids about the spiritual purpose of fasting. Remind them that while they are sacrificing something, they should be intentionally spending time drawing closer to God.

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